The Aleksic Christmas Lights
Raising money for St. Elizabeth Hospice since 2013

Every year we organise a big Christmas Light show set to music on the front of our house, just off Norwich Road in Ipswich, Suffolk.
We raise money for St. Elizabeth Hospice, and are always so pleased with the support that we receive. You can donate - and see past donations collected since we first started the light show years ago - by following the link here or a bit lower on the page. We're always so grateful for the support and even won the prize for 'best fundraiser' for the Hospice in their Christmas Lights Trail in 2018 (and have beaten that total every year since!)
As always, this year the lights will be on between 4pm and 9pm every day in December, and Rudolph's big red nose will be glowing and ready to push, which will start the light show whenever you arrive!
We'll be releasing more footage from this year's brand new display soon, but you can have a look at some videos from last year below, and take a trip down memory lane with our past displays further down this page.
You can see the display at our house in Lister Road, Ipswich, IP1 5EQ -
we're the one near the middle with loads of Christmas lights, you won't miss us!
Past Displays
Total raised since 2013 by the end of this year - £4925
Amount raised this year alone - £1422.41
Music - Another new medley of Christmas Covers
Length - 10:27
Total number of individually mapped & controlled pixels - 3318
Total number of control channels - 9954
New this year
New 2m wide projection screen
18 strand, 2.5m tall megatree (with 900 pixels) + 100 pixel star on top
8 small stars (with 70 pixels each)
Extra festoon
New donation & button stand
Press & other fun facts
Ipswich Star / East Anglian Daily Times Article about our 10th year​
Radio Interviews for BBC Radio Suffolk, GenX Radio & Suffolk Sound Radio
Total raised since 2013 by the end of this year - £3505.01
Amount raised this year alone - £821.86
Music - A new medley of Christmas Cover Versions
Length - 09:21
Total number of individually mapped & controlled pixels - 2083
Total number of control channels - 6287
New this year
Raspberry Pi as controller (running Falcon Pi Player software)
New pixel window outlines
New pixel line along front of garden
2 new pixel mini trees
4 new pixel snowflakes
Total raised since 2013 by the end of this year - £2683.15
Amount raised this year alone - £856.74
Music - A medley of fairly random Christmas songs!
Length - 09:17
Total number of control channels - Over 3600
New this year
Falcon Pixel controller & updated control infrastructure
Pixel tape on central Christmas tree prop
Individual bullet pixels on new frames around each window/door
Individual bullet pixels on Christmas tree prop
Pixels around bottom log roll border
Candy Cane lights
Updated pixel tape around house border
Flood lights moved to act as 'blinders'
Press & other fun facts
Ipswich Star / East Anglian Daily Times published an article about us, calling us "Ipswich's Famous Christmas Light House" (link)
BBC Radio Suffolk sent a reporter for an early morning interview live on air!
Total raised since 2013 by the end of this year - £1,826
Amount raised this year alone - £662.46
Music - A Selecction of Brian Setzer Orchestra Christmas Songs
Length - 09:45
Total number of control channels - 1,416
New this year
Additional Speaker
RGB Floodlights lighting up neighbours houses
RGB Par lighting up our white stones 'dancefloor'
Festoon at the front of the garden
Fairy lights inside windows
New LED Tape & frames inside windows
Snow projection light
CCTV cameras
Icicle lights on garden border
Press & other fun facts
Ipswich Star / East Anglian Daily Times published an article about us, complete with video interview (link here)
Appeared on BBC Radio Suffolk (link)
We also designed a big light show for a local theatre group, the Co-Op Juniors this year - more details on JLA Sound and Light social pages & site! (Video) (Article)
Total raised since 2013 by the end of this year - £1,163.95
Amount raised this year alone - £356.31
Music - Another Christmas Rock Medley - Richard Campbell
Length - 05:21
Total number of control channels - 1,393
New this year
Improved Outdoor Speaker
RGB Stars either side
Blue Fairy Lights around Windows​
Blue Fairy Lights on Christmas Tree
Press & other fun facts
Ipswich Star / East Anglian Daily Times published an article about us, complete with video interview (link here)
Appeared live on BBC Radio Suffolk (link) & Ipswich 102
Total raised since 2013 by the end of this year - £804.65
Amount raised this year alone - £309.50
Music - A Mix of Christmas Number 1s Through The Years
Length - 13:09
Total number of control channels - 1,377
New this year
RGB LED Tape Christmas Tree
Festoon on Christmas Tree
New Projection Screen to the side of the house
displaying 'Number 1' years and display information -
Festoon around Projection Screen
Created our Website
Press & other fun facts
Part of St. Elizabeth Hospice's Christmas Lights Trail & named 'Best Fundraiser' at the end
Featured as the main cover photo & first interview in Ipswich Star / EADT article (link here)
Interviewed on BBC Radio Suffolk in August to discuss preparations!
Total raised since 2013 by the end of this year - £495.15
Amount raised this year alone - £182.44
Music - A Medley of Miscellaneous Christmas Songs!
Length - 10:41
Total number of control channels - 1,380
New this year
Big Red Button to push to start the light show at any time!
LED RGB Pixel Tape around the perimeter of the house (450 Pixels)
LED RGB Tape inside the windows (replacing LED pars)
Single Colour Christmas Tree outline with Fairy Lights replaces Santa Face
Disco effect light added outside
Arduino boards as serial controllers as well as DMX
Interviewed live on BBC Radio Suffolk (link)
Total raised since 2013 by the end of this year - £349.91
Amount raised this year alone - £100
Music - A re-edited version of 2015's sountrack
Length - 11:00
Total number of control channels - 25
New this year
2m Projection Screen next to house displaying visuals during light show
New show times of 7pm & 8pm
Total raised since 2013 by the end of this year - £249.91
Amount raised this year alone - £136.91
Music - A Medley of 10 Christmas Songs
Length - 10:00
Total number of control channels - 25
New this year
Singing Santa Face built and added
3 Shows per Night (6pm, 6.30pm & 7pm)
Created our Facebook page
Interviewed live on BBC Radio Suffolk (link)
Total raised since 2013 by the end of this year - £113
Music - 7 different songs scheduled twice daily throughout the week
Total number of control channels - 20
New this year
VixenLights control software
Added Rope Light on top gutter
'XMAS' sign & lights in top window
TV with information in top window
Fairy light 'mini tree' on lawn
Entecc OpenDMX Control Interface
Music - Evolution of Music - Pentatonix
Length - 03:54
Total number of control channels - 16
New this year
LED Parcans in Windows
Shapes made with Fairy Lights outside
ADJ MyDMX Control Software
Fun Facts
The start of the Aleksic Christmas Lights!​
Light show had to be run manually when requested rather than timed as in future years.